Daray and Pandora gallery
Photo gallery of Daray, who is a Soom MD Monzo and Pandora, who is a Fairygarden Pei Yi ball jointed doll ( BJD ).
In our story, there are two worlds: the human Earth world and a world in an alternate dimension: Kadrimoth. The house of Draequehaless rule one of the largest realms on this world.
Photo gallery of Daray, who is a Soom MD Monzo and Pandora, who is a Fairygarden Pei Yi ball jointed doll ( BJD ).
Photo story with BJD’s, various brands of ball jointed dolls are depicted.
Photo story with BJD’s, various brands of ball jointed dolls are depicted.
Photo gallery of Morgan: she is a Cerberus Project Dark Elf Soo ball jointed doll ( BJD ).
Photo gallery of Morgan: she is a Cerberus Project Dark Elf Soo ball jointed doll ( BJD ).
Photo gallery of Lilith: she is a Cerberus Project Vampire Dark Elf Soo ball jointed doll ( BJD ).
Photo gallery of Lilith, she is a Cerberus Project Vampire Dark Elf Soo and Kiril, he is a Cerberus Project Juri Type A Beauty White 2007 ball jointed doll ( BJD )
Photo gallery of Bran, he is a Dollzone Wing ball jointed doll ( BJD ).
NSFW story about war and tragedy befalling Queen Sericea and the conception of Bran.
Photo gallery of Sericea, she is a Cerberus Project Na-nu-ri, Zestos, he is a Soom MD Sard and Cola, she is a Souldoll Metel ball jointed doll ( BJD ).