Welcome to my little world, which revolves entirely around dolls! In this website I share my ball jointed doll collection, customization of dolls and also tutorials and a BJD FAQ in my blog. Let’s craft and enjoy our dolls together!

I support BJD artists


In this blog series, find answers to frequently asked questions common to the Ball Jointed Doll hobby and general information about BJD’s and the community.

Doll family

Detailed profiles of all the legit ball jointed dolls I have collected together with my mother. Each profile has details about aesthetics, accessories such as eyes, wigs and clothing, background stories and links to our other dolls.

BJD Event Calendar

A nice overview of ball jointed doll conventions worldwide.
Also includes doll, anime and fantasy or renaissance conventions with BJD related booths.


Various topics are addressed: posts about my personal dolls, tutorials, event reports, product reviews, doll comparisons, incoming dolls and more!


Learn more about my dolls and the vision behind them, you can also find useful information about BJD's in general!

My Sally dress

13-10-2024 Starting on this year’s Halloween costume today. I have been wanting to make a The Nightmare Before Christmas Sally movie accurate cosplay since the dawn of time. Or, at least since I first watched Read more…

BJD meet Amersfoort

30-07-2022 We gathered with a small group of Dutch BJD collectors in Amersfoort on a nice sunny saturday. We started with eating some delicious crêpes at Juffrouw Jacoba. Afterwards, we went for a pleasant walk Read more…