My Sally dress
Starting on this year’s Halloween costume today.
I have been wanting to make a The Nightmare Before Christmas Sally movie accurate cosplay since the dawn of time. Or, at least since I first watched the movie.
After quite a few trips to various thrift stores in my area, I have secured all the fabric I need, plus a basket and a bottle to transform into Sally’s picnic basket for Jack and the fog juice she uses to obscure the sky and prevent his departure as Sandy Claws.
I’m making the entire cosplay (as movie-accurate as possible) out of thrifted materials. The ochre was a pillow case, the beige a bedsheet and the salmon a table cloth. What a challenge making the pattern has been! I took screenshots of every scene that featured Sally and still am not entirely sure how the pieces in the back should go, but I made some assumptions to get going.

Making the pattern

I used an old dress that fit me well to draw a pattern on. Let’s hope I can put the new dress together with my limited sewing skills 😅
What a challenge making the pattern has been! I took screenshots of every scene that featured Sally and still am not entirely sure how the pieces in the back should go, but I made some assumptions to get going.
Sewing the parts together

The top of Sally’s dress has now been sewn together! I still need to add all the black stitching, but I’ll save that for later. I did want to see how it would look, so I did the front. I need to make a pattern for the sleeves as well, but I’m putting all the patches together first. I’m making the entire cosplay (as movie-accurate as possible) out of thrifted materials. The ochre was a pillow case, the beige a bedsheet and the salmon a table cloth.

In stitches
Oof… after about 2 weeks of puzzling and hand-sewing, the parts of Sally’s dress are now assembled. It seriously took me 2 full days to stitch all the black cotton thread, because it was hard to pull it through the thick fabric layers. I needed to use pliers often!
Now I’ve started on drawing on all the details, such as stripes, circles and the swirls.

I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way
Sally’s dress is done! I did end up making a mistake that I will try to fix another time: I drew the checkered pattern on the wrong panel 😱
For now, I still need to sew the stitches on my blue bodysuit and add some more strands to the wool wig.