BJD meet at Castlefest
We went to Castlefest with a suitcase full of Dolls:
Nariko, Takahiro, Ryu, Kaida, Bran, Morgan and Fionnuala. Unfortunataley, we couldn’t bring everyone along 🙁
We were doing our best to expanding the BJD fandom. A few minutes after the pictures were taken, just about everyone was holding a Doll!
Also pictured are Raouken’s lovely Vasiley and the stunning decor welcoming visitors at the entrance of the fair.
Takahiro and Nariko are an Angelregion Fair Kai and Diana, Bran is a Dollzone Wing, Morgan is a Cerberus Project Dark Elf Soo, Ryu and Kaida are Dollzone Ami and Ani and Fionnuala is a Pupapa Safi ball jointed doll ( BJD ). You can learn more about them, by visiting their profile pages: